TEM wave

英 [ˈtem weɪv] 美 [ˈtem weɪv]

网络  横电磁波; 横向电磁波



  1. The Transportation of TEM Wave in CATV System
  2. Transmission electron microscope ( TEM), electron microprobe with wave spectrum ( EMWS) and high resolution TEM with energy spectrum ( HRTEM) were used to observe the change of BMSCs ultrastructure and the distribution of lanthanum ions in the cells.
  3. Stable Operation of TEM_ ( 00) Mode Laser and the Function of 1/ 4 λ Wave Plate
  4. According to the similarity between the propagation of magnetic dipole source TEM field and reflected-seismic wave, it is proposed to explain TEM data with the pseudo-seismic interpretation.
  5. TEM transmission cell is a new equipment for simulating transmission conditions of EM wave in free space.
  6. The Principle and Designed Method of Setting up TEM Field in Rectangular Wave Guide
  7. The absorbing boundary condition for TEM wave is tested numerically, and it is applied to programming.
  8. The TEM wave transmission lines with helical inner conductor and their slow wave velocity are solved by means of the equivalent transformation. Parameters of several helical transmission lines are given.
  9. TEM wave propa-gating in this structure is investigated in detail.
  10. TEM field is slowly changing in middle to deep depth prospecting, which is characterized by unperceivable wave and dominant dissemination, thus it can be assumed to be quasi-static state approximate and the wave equation of electromagnetic wave radiation is retrogressive and replaced by diffusion equation.
  11. The effect of the spatial inhomogeneity of TEM mode on the electron beam-TEM wave field interaction has been discussed with the dynamic thcory.
  12. Similar to the elastic wave field, TEM electromagnetic wave field has both reflection and transmission too.
  13. Quasi-tem wave analysis of gap discontinuity in suspended stripline
  14. Investigated was the hydrolysis process of titanyl sulfate without adding external seed in ultrasonic wave field. The product of hydrolysis was characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM and EDS.
  15. When electromagnetic wave has been fed into the cell, a uniform TEM field is established with a frequency lower than the cutoff frequency of TE_ ( 10) mode of rectangular wave guide.
  16. Tunnel and mine well tunnel can be regarded as waveguide, there exists a cut-off frequency of electromagnetic wave in the tunnel.